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Spring is finally here!

It is time for gardening, playing outside, meeting young buds and young bugs. And so it is also time to recall what remedies might be most helpful as we begin anew in this season of beginnings.


Ledum - good for bites and stings that swell




What about poison ivy and other skin irritations? Here are some ideas:


Arnica - rash with transparent vesicles and hot skin

Apis - red and blistery or swelling

Bryonia - skin is hot, pale, and dry and you feel better with cool bath or light pressure

Kali sulphuricum - rash filled with yellow pus

Rhus tox - when eyes are swollen shut or when the rash is better from application of warm water

Sulphur - rash is worse when you first get into bed, much scratching and may scratch until it bleeds


Spring flu?

Bryonia is especially known for easing late March/April flu, especially around tax time.


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